Title: The Darkest Hour
Author: Sherry Hall Mauro
Published by: Extasy Books
ISBN: 1-55410-191-3
Genre: Paranormal Erotica
Rated: ♥ ♥
Brooke has fallen in love with a vampire named
Armand. Her family is against her relationship and is doing all they can to keep
her from going to the night with Armand forever. Caleb has been her best friend
since they were young, and has always been in love with her. Although Brooke
has never returned his feelings they connect one night while he is trying to warn her about how dangerous Armand really is. They cross the forbidden line of friendship, but when Armand shows up Brooke knows
there is only one man for her. But is she really ready to give up the beautiful
days of sunlight and happiness, to live in the dark without her family and friends?
I was ready to dig into this
book because I really love vampire stories, but it felt as if something were missing.
It was a good storyline, but it didn’t reach out and grab me like most vampire stories do. I would have to give it TWO hearts.
Paula Beaty