An author can request
a review by submitting a book. The Romance Review Spot
will review a book of
any length as well as short stories.
The book or short story
must be published in print, audio or electronic format. We
will have the review done
and up within two weeks.
We will also add your website and publishers website to
our links page.
An e-book can be submitted
an email attachment to:
In the email include the
date the book is or will be released, your website address,
and your publishing house website address. We prefer that e-books be in pdf, rtf,
or html formats.
We are moving
so for the moment only taking submission by email
Please be sure to send us an email letting us know your book or ARC is on
its way. This helps us
to keep an eye out for it and we will notify you when it
arrives. In the email
also include the date the book is or will
be released, your
website address, and your publishing house website address.
Please be aware that we
will not return print novels, audio books but will
instead collect them and
when we have a large volume we will auction them
off in bulk and donate
the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
An ARC will only be sold
after the print book has been released
and only with the permission of the author and/or publishing house.
The proceeds will also
be donated to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Foundation. An ARC will
be returned to sender only when requested.
Please let us know your
preference in your email.
If you are an author submitting
a print book or ARC (sold after
print book released and
only with permission) and would like to help
us raise the value of the book/ARC so that more money can be
raised for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer foundation you can
help by signing the book
or ARC you submitted.