Title: Rogue in Disguise
Author: Monica Burns
Published by: New Concepts
ISBN: 1-58608-358-9
Genre: Historical Romance
Rated: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Ophelia’s father has lost her home to the Earl of Rotherham in a card game.
In her attempt to get it back she offers herself as payment in exchange for the deed.
She isn’t prepared for the deal to be a months worth of nights spent in the Earl’s arms learning the art
of lovemaking. But she agrees knowing that her and her family had nowhere else
to go. Falling in love with Charles was the last thing she needed or wanted for
that matter, he did have a playboy’s reputation. But she finds herself
falling deeper and deeper every time they meet for more “lessons”. When
she learns that Charles isn’t the Earl, that he was only pretending to be his brother, she doesn’t know if she
will ever trust him again. Will she be willing to lose the one man she has ever
loved to be a ruined woman?
A wolf in sheep’s clothing or rather a
rogue in disguise. Charles tricks Ophelia with the good intentions of fending
off yet another woman after his brother’s money and title. But when he
falls in love with her he realizes that his lie has made things much worse for everyone and he’s not sure he will ever
be forgiven for his mistakes.
I loved it!!!!
FOUR hearts. This story drove me onward even when I knew what was going
to happen. It was predictable, but it was done in a very wonderful way. The depiction of the people in the story was marvelous. I could see them so clearly as if I could reach out and touch each and every one.
Paula Beaty