Title: Nicely Naughty
Authors: Treva Harte, Lani Aames, and MaryJanice Davidson
Published by: Loose Id, LLC
ISBN: 1-59632-065-6
Genre: Seasonal Romantic Anthology
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
No other word comes to mind but “WOW”! That’s
how I would describe this Christmas collection. These three authors have put
together three amazingly sensual and seasonal stories for our reading pleasure. They
definitely put me in the mood…for Christmas and, well just about anything right now.
These stories will take you on a wild ride from the North Pole with Santa gifting one of his elves to a woman who has
lost her Christmas spirit, to a computer geek with a little “premature” problem that a seasoned older woman is
more than happy to teach him how to control, to a werewolf finding his mate standing on a street corner wearing a Santa suit
and ringing a bell for charity donations. These were funny, witty stories of
love found in the most unusual of places. Most definitely a holiday keeper that
will endure the whole year through.
FIVE hearts! Sizzling hot read.
Paula Beaty