Title: Computer Crimes: Hentai Dreams
Author: Sage Grayson
Published by: Changeling Press LLC
ISBN: 1-59596-014-7
Genre: Sci-Fi Erotica
Rating: ♥ ♥
Tiana DeShay is looking for the ultimate OFF,
so when she stumbles upon “the eight” she is intrigued and so turned on it nearly kills her. Now back among the living, the Computer Crimes officers, who police these sites are asking for her help
in capturing the squiddies before they continue to take more lives with their pleasure site.
The handsome Hawk must be an added bonus bribe to ensure she helps them succeed.
Hawk hates that his soul mate is in danger. Tiana only knows him as her best “girl” friend Kestrel, but he is a man
and knows that what she’s doing is dangerous. But his boss at Computer
Crimes refuses to back down and pull Tiana from this case. So he must jump in
and make Tiana realize the he needs her and wants to give her the much needed off’s for the rest of his life.
The sex scenes were so hot, steam rose out of
my computer screen. The story lacks a little something, but the characters were
definitely steamy enough to cause your heart severe palpitations.
Two hearts.
Paula Beaty