The Curse of the Midnight
Star series
Book 1: The Discovery
By Lynn Warren
Published by Triskelion
ISBN: 1-932866-17-5
Genre: Suspense
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Visit Louisiana and
enter a world where voodoo and spirits are commonplace. Several ghost’s roam New Orleans Scarlet Oak Manor unable to
leave the place where they lived and are now tied to in death. When the remains of several bodies are found buried at Scarlet
Oak manor two FBI agents are pulled into an old murder mystery and both enter a world that they never new existed.
Special agent Lynsee Frost and her boss Jack Navarre travel to New
Orleans to investigate the disappearance of several girls and while trying to solve those murders they
get pulled into the old murder mystery of Scarlet Oaks previous owners.
A deadly love triangle,
insanity, and murder are the legacy of a cursed sapphire known as The Midnight Star. The living yearn for it but none are
so eager to posses as the dead.
The Curse of the
Midnight Star is a suspenseful, haunting ride that will have you shaking in your seat even as you read, an excellent adventure
that is only for the brave. Come in and seek the mystery of The Midnight Star at your own peril.
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