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Interview with author Angel Lynn

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              1. What made you want to write?
It was that little muse that wouldn't get out of my head. I always was, and still am, a perpetual daydreamer. I used to get in trouble for it at home and in
school. I discovered quite early on that I liked to write and my favorite stuff was the bizarre, the dark, and the paranormal. Later I discovered romance and I was hooked. Everything suddenly turned into happy endings. But don't let that fool you. I'm not reluctant to kill off characters. I've even been known to kill a heroine or two--hey if its a paranormal I can ressurect her right? LOL
2.When did you start writing?
Well, my mother always told me that since my very first words (I wanna dwink of wawa at age 10 months) my mouth started going like a duck's a$$...Ha! If only she knew what was going on in my head. With that in mind I started writing when I was very young, age five or so. Even back then I liked putting words together--mostly poetry and short stories. I even won a few poetry contests when I was a kid. Later, when I was about twelve, I wrote my first book. It was forty pages long. I wish I knew what happened to it. I'm sure it's awful...grin. Life happened after my teen years. I got married, spent some time in Air Force Air National Guard, had kids and then went to college. I did a lot of writing of course as most college students are required to do. A couple of my English professors kept passing my work around to their colleagues and a good number of them told me I should take up writing as a profession. Though I was flattered, I chuckled at them and became an Occupational Therapist instead. One day, my hubbie and I were celebrating our thirteenth anniversary--must be my lucky number--at Toronto's Medieval Times Restaurant. I was so enamored by the knights and the sword fighting and the atmosphere, my muse started banging around in my head, demanding I bring her...or life. When we got home, I started to write The Third Corridor. That was five years ago.

3.What was the first novel you finished?And was it the first published?
The first full-length novel that I actually finished was The Third Corridor,  In the meantime I was devouring romance novels like they were going out of style, futuristic, time travel and historical being my favorites. It's no coincidence that The Third Corridor has elements of all three sub-genres. I wrote the stuff I love.  I submitted the work late in 2003 to New Concepts Publishing, and on New Years Day, I received the offer...yippee!! Happy New Year to me! The book was published as an e-book in April 2004 and has now gone into print. It's been recognized for several awards including the eCataromance Smooch Award May 2004, Finalist in The Romance Studio's CAPA awards and it was a finalist for the Paranormal Romance Reviews P.E.A.R.L. I'm totally humbled that so many people enjoyed it, but immensely happy over its success.
4.Are you working on anything right now and can you give us a hint as to what it's about?
I just finished a story titled Passions of the Flame. It's paranormal historical romance centered around the ancient, pagan Beltaine rituals. I'm also working on a romantica under my alter-ego, Angelia Whiting, The Slavemaster's Woman. It's a sci-fi erotic romance and a work in progress. There's an excerpt on Angelia's site.
5. How long does it take you to finish a novel?
The Third Corridor took me a l-o-n-g three years to write. I kept putting it away and going back to it. I read it and re-read it at least fifty times, changing the dialogue making edits. And the research! I have notebooks filled with reseach and at least twenty-five websites bookmarked just for that book alone. I was obsessed with making it perfect. Now, I'm much faster. Having settled into my writing style, it takes me anywhere from four months to eight months to finish a  novel, a couple of months for novellas. Motivation is a big factor. When I have the urge to write, I've written as much as 15,000 words in a week. Thats about fifty or sixty typed pages. When real life is happening (i.e. the kiddies need me...or the hubby--waggling eyebrows) I have put aside writing for the sake of attending to my family's needs. Plus I have a day job--part time, but sometimes I pick up extra hours and am too tired to write when I come home.  That's when I drone in front of the Sci-fi channel or watch American Idol (I love that show!)
6. Did you find the road to publication hard?
Emotionally, yes. It was nerve racking to even think about sending it in--afraid of rejection, criticism. No one wants something they worked on so hard and so diligently to be looked at with negative comments. It's like having your first born in your arms, a child you admire and love dearly and then someone comes up and tells you your kid is ugly...egads! Luckily, once the book was submitted, I received a contract fairly quickly. I thought I would faint. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones because actually getting the book published wasn't too difficult.
7.Do you have a novel coming out soon?
Passions of the Flame-paranormal historical romance will be coming out within the next couple of months.
8.Do you have a website were readers can find out more about you?
Yup, sure do.
For Angel Lynn:
and Angelia Whiting:
9.Where can your books be found?
For all of my stories: New Concepts Publishing
The Third Corridor, now available in print, can be ordered directly from my publisher or pre-ordered at It will also be available at most
Walden Bookstores within the next couple of months. Additionally, its available for download at